
I am Zeyu Huang, a PhD student (2024.01 - ) at the University of Edinburgh. I am very lucky to be supervised by Dr.Ivan Titov and Dr.Edoardo M. Ponti.

Before that, I obtained my master’s degree at the Ministry of Education (MOE) Engineering Research Center of Advanced Computer Application Technology, Beihang University, and my engineer degree (diplôme d’ingénieur) at École Centrale de Pékin, Groupe des Écoles Centrale (France), supervised by Zhang Xiong and Wenge Rong. I obtained my BSc degree in Information and Computing Science from Beihang University and Centrale Pékin.

I have board interest in Large Language Models, including self-alignment and Modular Large Languege Models. If you are interested in my research, I am very happy to have a chat! You can directly send the email to zeroy.huang AT gmail DOT com.

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